…don’t push me, people…

And now, more Pet Peeves from the Grocery Store…

  • Talking on Your Cell Phone: I know, we all lead demanding lives that require us to be within earshot of our colleagues and loved ones every waking hour of the day, but how ’bout a little courtesy, eh?! Whether it’s walking down the aisle oblivious to the rest of us in the store or simply ignoring the cashier as you gab on with your girlfriend about last night at the club, it’s rude, so knock it off!!! Hang up for fifteen minutes, shop, and then get on with your life…
  • Blocking the Aisle, etc…: We all see a lot of people just leave their carts hap-hazardly in the aisle and normally this isn’t a big deal – move the cart to one side and go about your way, but the situation changes a bit when there just happens to be a baby onboard, if you know what I mean! Nobody has ever accused me of trying to make off with their Minute Rice, but just try moving a cart to one side so that you can get yourself a bushel of bananas and be prepared for one hysterical mother on your hands! Nevermind that she left her child unattended in the first place – how dare you give the impression that she’s not the only person in the store…
  • Abusing the Carry-Out Service: I had my first experience with this one tonight, unfortunately. You see, here in Florida we have an abundance of disabled and elderly folks who simply can’t exert themselves physically like those of us who are much younger, so many of the local grocery stores offer free carry-out services to make shopping a little easier for them. Low and behold, today I watched a girl that couldn’t have been more than nineteen or twenty demand that one of the baggers carry her groceries out to the brand new jeep that she had parked outside…just because it was a free service and she deserved it just as much as the next person.Sorry honey, but if you’re able enough to cruise around with the top down and load up on Zima, you’re able enough to carry your own fucking groceries…But enough grumbling for one evening! Nonetheless, coming soon to a blog near you:

    Scott’s very first cell phone-initiated blog!

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