
I’ve jumped on the bandwagon and decided that I want an iPhone. And I think between the $600 price tag, not using AT&T Wireless, and still being under a contract with Sprint, knowing that I can’t have one makes it even worse! I love that all of the news outlets are now scrambling to make up speed because they’ve spent the last month writing the thing off as nothing but hype, and now it turns out that it actually is just as cool as it has been advertised to us. Every review by worthwhile sources so far have beamed about the iPhone and it just sounds like a really cool tech toy to have.

So here’s the plan, folks – my contract with Sprint will be up next spring and I’ll likely be moving over to Sara’s family plan with Verizon at that point. Apple has until next spring to both lower the price and expand into other cell phone carriers so that I can get one. But if these sweet ads keep coming, it’s gonna be a long wait… 🙁

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