My (Admittedly Morbid) Science Experiment … Part 2 (Spider vs. Spider)

As fate would have it, idea #2 scurried across the floor another hour later while, yes, still with the Guitar Hero. Granted, I was starting to get up in the levels, so it was getting more difficult and thus my attention was waning, but I think I managed to finish one more before the gears started turning on this one…

Are spiders cannibals? Just how hungry and/or ferocious was this first spider? How late was I actually going to stay up pitting insects and arachnids against each other for my own amusement? These were all questions that would soon be answered!

Damn – right?! This time he only eyed his new prey for a moment before diving in, and whether he was still hungry or just felt threatened by another of his kind in the vicinity (they are solitary creatures – I do know that much), I don’t know. I think these photos look a little more menacing than the last, probably because I finally figured out how to switch over to the super-duper, manual digital zoom on my camera, so I didn’t have to fight to focus these ones.

More so, I just had to focus on taking my pictures without accidentally knocking over the glass and letting my new killer free! Was he aware that it was *I*, the magic eye in the sky that kept flashing lights at him while he was eating, who had been orchestrating this whole performance?! You’ve heard about lion tamers being surprised about one day getting pounced by the very creatures that they’ve been threatening with whips and chairs night after night, and I certainly wasn’t going to take any chances with this one.

Better to just leave them be and check back in the morning…

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