on blogging intently…

If it seems like I’ve been blogging a lot more lately, it’s because I have!

Statistically, I’ve posted almost twice as many posts in the last two months as I did in the two before that, and looking further back in history, when you take away all of those Twitter syndication posts, I was really hardly posting anything at all a year ago around this time (at least before April, anyways). So yeah, I’m writing here a lot more these days … what’s the deal with that, anyways?!

Well, a couple of things – the first simply being that I’m a believer that just about any writing is good practice, so this is just another way to help keep me in shape creatively, if you will. Plus, it’s kind of nice to have a place without the structure of my other sites where I can write about whatever I want, be it just random goofy stuff, thoughts of a more personal nature, or even just things that have been going on in my life. I don’t have to worry about whether it really fits with the theme for my other sites or whether it’s too short or too long – my blog here is just kind of a free-for-all for anything else that I feel like throwing down on the screen.

The second is part of a larger effort that will be taking place later on this summer, but in short, I want to make this blog more of something that other people would actually care to read, whereas right now as it stands on LiveJournal there are probably only a handful of people who I know that read in addition to the few random wanderers. But it’s not indexed for search engines, I can’t host any advertising, and frankly I just don’t think it does as good of a job referring people to my other works as it could. So I want to change this – a big part of it will be in moving off of LiveJournal and over onto one of my own domains in a few months, but in the meantime it never hurts to get in the habit of writing more content to be there.

A good example of what I’d like to do is John Scalzi’s blog – John is a science fiction writer who also happens to do a heck of a lot of blogging throughout his workday – a good mix of personal stuff and just the random topics that interest him like writing, science fiction, business and politics. I think he has a goal to post something like 5 posts every single day on top of his regular fiction work, and even though that’s a bit much for me (right now, anyways), I still love the idea of ramping my blog up and really making it a secondary landing pad for people who want to read the things that I have to say. Hopefully it’ll also help to cultivate readers who may be interested into becoming those coveted super fans that have made the difference for many other budding independent creators…

So anyways, that’s the story if anyone is wondering why it seems like I’m a little more consistent with posting lately – although I don’t necessarily have a “schedule,” per se, I am officially keeping track of how often I post on my new writing calendar just to try and remind myself to do it more often. I’m trying to keep a good mix of brief and long-winded posts, as well as incorporate more pictures so that they’re not just one huge block of text after another, and I’m sure my blogging style will continue to evolve as I get more under my belt, too. As I finish this post, I’m seeing that this will officially be blog post #1,770, so at least I already have a somewhat decent foundation to work from.

Happy reading!

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