Thin Post : The First Week is Always the Easiest

I try to be cautiously optimistic when I start a new diet or exercise scheme for the first week – I just don’t like getting too excited right off the bat because it’s easy to set your expectations overly high while you’re still in that first week rush. I’m sure gyms and personal trainers see it like crazy right now – tons of people coming out of the woodwork to make their lives better because of the new year – they’re pumped, they’ve got new goals, and this time it’s all going to be great!

Fast forward three weeks and ask the gym how many of those people are still showing up. Yeah…

Anyways, that’s why I’m trying to take it nice and easy this month, trying new things, but also not beating myself up when I slip because overall I’m trying to develop a routine that I can continue for the rest of my life. Sure, at the two pounds a week benchmark that everybody cites, I could get all psyched about dropping every last ounce of weight in time for bikini season (just kidding…), but in reality, I understand that it will most likely take longer than that.

And it’s going to take a lot longer if I have to stop and re-start every three weeks along the way because I got over-excited and didn’t set fair expectations for myself. January, for me, is all about figuring out a healthier routine for myself overall and adapting my life to it … and if I still happen to lose a few pounds along the way, then that’s just icing on the cake!

Mmmmmm – cake…

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