Dream Journal : Yay, No Pirates!!!

After last night, I kind of expected to have some pretty messed up dreams featuring yours truly running through scary, metal corridors, being chased by scary, Somali pirates carrying machine guns, without so much as a paint can or some Micro Machines in sight to aid in my defense of the ship!

Instead, although there were some random cruise ship scenes throughout my overall nighttime slumber, they all seemed to primarily involve water slides and lines at the buffet. The weirdest thing that stood out, in fact, was in coming back from the cruise, apparently I ran into one of my cousins in the parking lot with her going to and me leaving the cruise terminal, and when I called out her name to say hello, she just looked at me blankly and didn’t recognize me.

But if I have to choose not getting recognized vs. getting hijacked by pirates, I think it all still worked out in my favor, between you and me!  🙄

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