Things I Did This Weekend, 3/16/2025 Edition

  • Transferred my Google Workspace accounts from Squarespace back to Google.
    • This was something they forced on us when Google sold its domain business to Squarespace, but I don’t really care for them, so after migrating all of my domain names to Cloudflare earlier this year, I finally found it was surprisingly easy to move them back to Google. Follow these instructions because Google’s are confusing, but you basically cancel them through Squarespace and then they’ll revert to Google, where you have like a week to setup new billing directly through them. It took me about five minutes for two accounts!
  • Fixed an issue where one of my WordPress installs wouldn’t send out emails anymore.
    • Apparently it’s common now for people to use an external SMTP plugin to send out notification emails from WP, whereas I was used to it always just using the PHP mail() function by default. I guess when I moved said site to an updated VM last year, the function was disabled and I didn’t notice until months later. Anywho, I really didn’t want to spend any money on something so simple, but the above plugin has a free version that should be sufficient for now and I was able to apply for a free/trial account through Mailgun for a limited number of emails sent per month, which should be fine … so yay!
  • I fought COVID and am hopefully winning!
    • Spent Tuesday night in the hospital after probably catching it at Legoland over the weekend, but thankfully they sent me home on steroids the next day and I’m already feeling much better.
  • Got our taxes filed.
    • Hard to get excited about that one, but – check.
  • Oh yeah, and I started a new game of Crystalis, too!
    • I love this old NES game from 1990 for very nostalgic reasons, though it has some friction points now that are a little frustrating. The grinding seems excessive because bosses are level capped, meaning if you attempt them below their level, you just can’t damage them no matter how good you play! That and apparently playing on the RetroPie, somehow my select button got keyed to reset the game if I accidentally hit it on certain screens, so I definitely need to look into that because I literally had to redo the poison swamp outside of oak like four times because I would finish it and try to heal, only to be faced with the title screen unexpectedly! Ugh, but still fun…

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