
Looking to get in touch with me?

Whether it’s just to say hello, to suggest something funny you found online that you think I might enjoy, or even simply to express your undying appreciation for some brilliant witticism of mine that recently made you giggle, there are actually all sorts of wonderful ways to get a hold of me if your heart so desires, so just take your pick and get typing! :mrgreen:

Drop me an e-mail!

Good, old, reliable e-mail – write to me at

Send me an @reply (and follow me!) on Twitter.

I’m on Twitter as @ssevener, where I tweet about Disney World, video games, technology, pumpkins, and all sorts of other random things that amuse me.

Leave a comment directly on one of my articles.

Many of my sites offer areas for readers to leave comments on what they just read, so feel free to enter your thoughts – I read them all!

Post a comment over on Facebook.

I also have Facebook pages for several of my writing projects, including The Humor Column and Scott’s Guide to Life.