- 14:25 Wow, honey – your hair smells, ummm, "different…" (tinyurl.com/ly3wt9) #
- 17:24 Holy Clean Pants, was that last thunder clap just a little too close for comfort!!! #
- 17:32 Just bit into the new Burger King Angry Chicken Sandwich, but so far my mood has been indifferent. #
- 17:35 Grrr … I think I just felt something … wait, nope… #angrysandwich #
- 17:42 BK’s onion rings don’t seem as good as I remembered … is that what I’m supposed to be angry about??? #angrysandwich #
- 17:50 Last bit
es are consumed and if anything, I guess I’m just angry that I don’t know what I’m supposed to be angry about. #angrysandwich # - 17:50 Mission: Accomplished? #angrysandwich #
- 17:55 How come it’s always pouring rain whenever I come down here to play D&D?! #notangryjustsaying #
- 23:40 Just finished the Curb Your Enthusiasm season premiere and about 95% hated it. I honestly haven’t liked it since he & Cheryl broke up. #
- 23:42 Also, Ted Danson was MUCH funnier than the recurring refugees from last season. Hopefully the Seinfeld cast’s return will fix things… #
- 23:44 Hilari-bo
obs! (tinyurl.com/lgfdwu) #
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