Daily Tweets from Twitter…
09:58 Woohoo! RT New D&D podcast about Darksun tinyurl.com/33zj4j6 – DM is @tychobrahe played by @pvponline, @cwgabriel, and @krisstraub # 13:03 Eye A...
09:58 Woohoo! RT New D&D podcast about Darksun tinyurl.com/33zj4j6 – DM is @tychobrahe played by @pvponline, @cwgabriel, and @krisstraub # 13:03 Eye A...
I thought of this, but couldn’t figure out where to fit it into the previous multi-post Facebook diatribe, but another thing that I personally really like Faceb...
I found myself agreeing with a lot of the points from this Diggnation clip where Kevin and Alex give their feedback on a recent article alleging 10 Reasons Why ...
I guess the funny thing is, the more I hear everyone complaining about all of Facebook’s privacy blunders, the biggest threat that always gets thrown around is,...
01:32 Latest D&D Adventure – Don’t Play with Fire! (tinyurl.com/26xg6vb) #dnd #lfr # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Follow me on Twitter a...
People don’t think when they put things online anymore. Maybe this is partially the fault of Facebook, who boasts 400+ million users, the vast majority of them ...
LFR Adventure Log for 5/19/2010 – Don’t Play with Fire! http://forums.anthem-games.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2266
13:37 Funnier is that apparently some don’t REALIZE that it’s fake… RT @cwgabriel: Fake BP Twitter is so funny! bit.ly/cqKl2W # Automatically ...
I’m kind of an analytical guy, so it tends to be easier for me to process something if I can see it in numbers. That said, you would think that weight loss woul...
13:00 Fuck you, TBT*! Thanks for ruining the finale of The Celebrity Apprentice by including the winner in your tabloids section. # 13:01 Why are newspapers sti...