Only In Dreams

One unusual thing that I’ve noticed over the last couple of months is that since I started dialysis, my dreams seem to be more vivid and defined than usual.

They’re not quite as good as the ones I used to have on vicodin while trying to pass kidney stones, but these are still pretty clear! They tend to be less elaborate – like little vignettes instead of full length movies, which admittedly can be a bit frustrating because I know most people have woken up in the middle of a dream and wished they could pick back up where they left off, if only it were that simple…

Some of the more interesting ones I’ve had lately:

  • Both of my parents showed up to visit me at my cubicle work.
  • I was packing up a Uhaul of my things to move down to Florida that included Legos, Nintendo Power magazines, and several fishtanks full of goldfish.
  • I was invited to a meeting at work for a project that I had nothing to do with, then got harassed by the leader of the meeting and fled to the cafeteria where I accidentally snuck past the cashier and took a Long John donut without paying for it.
  • Another one about moving to Florida, except this time I was bringing five friends along with me in a very small sports car that didn’t have room for their luggage, much less any of my own belongings.
  • I showed up and worked at the warehouse for a couple of hours while I was there on vacation, then just asked if they really needed me when I remembered what I made at my tech job down in Florida. Also, I couldn’t remember my passwords to login to their computer system anyways…
  • I had one recently where I actually realized it was only a dream and for some reason proceeded to drive my car out the window of a multi-story building, a la James Bond or something?!
  • And the weirdest one had me on a bus trip into Canada where we stopped at a hotel, but there was no parking available in the lot so the owner told us to park on the roof of the hotel, which was incredibly scary because the ramps were all super thin and even up on the roof they had us right next to the edge with no railings or anything! We had to carry all of our things down, though once we got back to the ground another group’s leader mentioned that there was some sort of pulley system that we could’ve used to move our luggage down.

I wonder where I’ll go tonight!

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