Shut Down Threats Over the Affordable Healthcare Act
I’ve written before about how I think that it’s absolutely crazy that we even entertain this idea of the government shutting down here in America, a...
I’ve written before about how I think that it’s absolutely crazy that we even entertain this idea of the government shutting down here in America, a...
Ok … so I couldn’t let this go without more than just the single line of commentary that I left on my last post because when I did just the tiniest ... A long time ago, I used to be among those with the opinion that it was ultimately pointless to raise the minimum wage...
I watched this earlier this morning and I’ve got to say, long-term I think that it’s one of the bigger problems that we face as a nation when weR...
So I finished watching the whole filibuster thing a while ago, which is kind of crazy and says a lot about the current state of our politics because despite ton...
I challenge you to read this without hearing Uncle Joe’s calm, reassuring voice in your head. Joe Biden is awesome. (via Boing Boing)
For those among us who are convinced that President Obama is responsible for anything and everything even mildly inconvenient that’s happened in the last ...
I don’t know how in the world we’re supposed to fix it, but I think this video makes it pretty plain as day that wealth inequality is a major proble...
From The Telegraph in Australia… US Gun Owners Show Off Their Christmas “Toys”
I don’t understand why this movie had to be made. After nearly a decade of hunting the mastermind behind the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil ever, s...