Daily Tweets from Twitter…
10:22 Instead of snow days, here in Florida we have SLOW days … because many of our residents are very old. Ha! # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Fol...
10:22 Instead of snow days, here in Florida we have SLOW days … because many of our residents are very old. Ha! # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Fol...
19:38 So when does this Super Football thing start, anyways? When do they throw out the first pitch? # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Follow me on Twitter...
05:06 New Humor Column : Dueling with Dealerships, Take Two bit.ly/dszoVG # 17:13 @herbstsonne Was reminded of Salute Your Shorts via your waffle blog … h...
14:27 @edeckers Bah – double-spacers of the world unite! My view is that double-spacing still looks better, even with variable-width fonts. # 22:01 twitpi...
09:05 Note to Self: contacts are not supposed to BURN YOUR EYES TO THE CORE when you put them in… # 14:22 I wonder how many domain names would be made ava...
15:29 @edeckers I think I’m going to give using Gmail as a front-end for POP3 a try after your blog post. SquirrelMail has been a real pain lately # 20:26...
00:51 @lorisaurus Ha – you’re drunk! # 02:59 New Humor Column : As the Holiday Goodies Runneth Dry… bit.ly/bqbds5 # 14:14 Just watched some random g...
21:58 It should be ILLEGAL to play November Rain on the radio and fade out BEFORE the finale solo! I’ll give you the other cuts, but not that one. # 21:59...
10:13 Alright, Jobs – I couldn’t care less about a new tablet PC, so there are only two words I need to hear out of your mouth…Verizon iPhone!...
18:17 I’ve asked it before and I’ll ask it again – why do kids these days have to scream at the top of their lungs while they"play???&quo...