Daily Tweets from Twitter…
23:41 You know it’s getting chilly here in Florida when I actually have to wear socks around the house… # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Follo...
23:41 You know it’s getting chilly here in Florida when I actually have to wear socks around the house… # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Follo...
TEST??? 16:32 So I guess Superman’s cooler than Batman? (tinyurl.com/5n5cez) # 15:33 So Dollhouse is officially cancelled after this season … bummer...
12:52 Is Disney TRYING to make their new online dining reservation website as non-user-friendly as possible??? Jeeesh… # 13:32 Why does my "Healthy C...
02:05 Just looked up to see talking Frosted Mini-Wheats boxing on TV … I think it’s time to go to bed. # 11:04 Getting ready to take the wife to Dis...
12:13 twitpic.com/ors3r – It’s Game Day again – let’s do this! #lfr #dnd # 15:47 Two encounters in with a party of almost all strikers, ...
12:10 Is it just me or would "The Knights Who Say Meh" be a great name for a guild? I think it would! # 14:53 twitpic.com/onej9 – Disney Food Fr...
19:55 Dear SuperCuts – if you close in 30 minutes anyways, why would you take my name down and tell me you have no wait, to come on in? # 19:56 Very uncoo...
11:47 @ivesjd Good luck! # 12:33 Google made me smile today – COOOOOOKIE!!! # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Follow me on Twitter as ssevener
17:05 Racist Bumper Sticker – "I want YOU to speak English." Really, is THAT what Uncle Sam would be asking of Americans these days? Doubt it...
00:24 "And I never have to buy deoderant again?!" DeodorWorks – looks like it’s for robots, but it’s really for people. # 17:11 In r...