Daily Tweets from Twitter…
00:16 Power restored! Excuse to show up late for work tomorrow eliminated… 🙁 # 11:07 Dear Dell Financial Services: If I can’t make a same-day paymen...
00:16 Power restored! Excuse to show up late for work tomorrow eliminated… 🙁 # 11:07 Dear Dell Financial Services: If I can’t make a same-day paymen...
10:52 Car is currently at the shop to look at the leaky AC. Estimate is $600. Ouch… # 11:06 @rickiep00h Indeed. The thing is, the AC works fine, but the d...
10:16 @rickiep00h Snakes on a Plane 2: …except now it’s giant sharks flying AT the plane! Brilliant. # 10:18 LOL – RT @RealShamu: Evolution Ha...
14:25 Just watched the shuttle take off. Not the best view here in Tampa, but the concept of sending people into SPACE never ceases to amaze me! # 15:01 Holy co...
14:51 Word to the wise – don’t wish Happy Mother’s Day to women who aren’t actually MOTHERS!!! Sensitive subject for some… # 17:15...
17:26 Happiness is … Red Lobster’s Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Even the next day as leftovers – scrumptious! # 17:38 Yep … it’s definite...
08:37 Seriously, how many Fridays do we need to have this week?! Today feels like about the THIRD ONE so far… # 10:37 Am I the only one who gets turned of...
13:47 WTF?! United changes our flight schedule AGAIN?! This time moving our arrival home 45 minutes later. Why can’t they keep a schedule??? # 13:48 This ...
19:11 Disgusting tweet pic of the day – tr.im/kGPd (RT @martinsargent) # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Follow me on Twitter as ssevener
13:53 @rickiep00h I played through that on the Wii about a month ago – got through quest 1 w/o the map, but quest 2 is horrible! # 22:56 Great D&D cli...