Purty Pictures

The channel of the day is Discovery HD Theater – anyone who’s approached the home theater section at Best Buy or Circuit City knows that the display is usually set to this one and within a few moments it becomes amazingly clear exactly how this decision was reached – WOW…

I’m watching a series called Dinosaur Planet right now, which is basically like the Disney move Dinosaur only with a bit of a story to it. I thought that the Disney one looked beautiful in an actual theater, but the 3d effects are displayed brilliantly here, right in my own living room! Earlier I was watching something on volcanic eruptions and the aftermath, eventual regrowth, etc… – very cool stuff, indeed.

Anyone who claims that they can’t really see a difference between standard analog and HDTV must be asleep. Kids, if you don’t have HDTV yet – what in the world are you waiting for?!


After some nine years of sporting the same long, crazy mane, I finally got my hair cut while I was in Atlanta last week. I’ll try to remember to post up some pictures to my MoBlog in the morning…

Progress [the unabridged version]

It’s pretty bad when you actually have to read up on your last post just to figure out where you left off, isn’t it???

So let’s see – it’s sooooo good to finally be back in Tampa! Not that Atlanta isn’t a nice place to visit or anything, but after living out of a hotel room and eating out for every single meal – and eating out being pretty much the only thing that we did – let’s just say that it got old real quick and I wasn’t the least bit disappointed when my name wasn’t called off for the Ivan relief group. With the new track shooting the thing west of us, I’m not even sure if they ended up going or not, but even if they did, I’m happy to say that I’ll be fending off this hurricane in front of my television instead… 😛

It’s hard to believe that it’s already September – it won’t be long now before I’ll have been here in Florida officially for a full year. Just looking around my apartment, I realize that I’ve come a long way since then, what with moving away from home and living on my own and paying off a huge chunk of the credit card debt that I managed to amass over the past five years. I’ve made new friends and tried my best to keep up with the old; I’ve began my climb up the corporate ladder and learned that raises with damn near any job are few and far between; I’ve purchased a High Definition TV – if those aren’t signs of the times, I don’t know what is!

I’m curious to look up and see what my New Years resolutions were for 2004 – I know off the bat that I’m still not doing great, but at least the finances are getting taken care of and that was my number one priority. My writing has fallen to the wayside and even when I can find the motivation to create, I simply can’t find the time – I know that this isn’t going to ease up at least for a little while longer, however I still consider myself fortunate merely to even have a job that pays me for my creative talents, so at least that’s something. Besides, I can deal with not putting out a book this year, I’ve decided – the collection book has more or less lost my interest because most of the columns that were going into it are at least two years old now and I’ve since then written much better pieces; Leaving Miami, on the other hand, is something that I do want to push at least a little farther this fall because I still like the concept and it’s a fairly personal story…which then again is why I’m in no hurry to rush its completion. I did write / finish a few random columns while I was in Atlanta that I’d like to put online sometime soon – maybe they’ll encourage me to start the weekly humor thing up again – I don’t know…

As for my other goals, well, I guess it all boils down to how I’m able to manage my time here until Christmas. Considering the sight-seeing aspect – this might end up being a matter of physically pencilling in places and times on my calendar and forcing myself to stick to them, which is hard when you’ve got a job that you actually enjoy and that still pays you for overtime…at least for the time being! 😉 Exercise is another one that I believe simply requires discipline…note that I’ve yet to go swimming once since my last diatribe…but many wise folks have told me that you really have to want to lose the weight if it’s ever going to happen. I believe these people whole-heartedly, but nonetheless I can also be incredibly stubborn and that, therein, is my weakness when it comes to exercise.

And last but not least, I’d still like to find a lady to occupy what little free time I have left. I think that having one would actually help keep me in line with my other goals listed above, plus additionally I’ve heard that women are great in bed and I’d love for the opportunity to test that theory out before the holiday season rolls around again! Who knows – when it all comes down to it, I’m definitely happy with where I sit in my life right now – there are always improvements that we would like to make, from adding or changing routines to simply figuring out why the toilet suddenly isn’t flushing the way it used to anymore – but at the end of the day, I think a lot can be said for those who can truly say that they are pleased with how far they’ve progressed thus far.

It seems to have worked for me this far, anyways…

The journey comes to a close…

Well, the word on the street is that we’ll be going home tomorrow, although like anything else with this company, that could change at a moment’s notice! Nonetheless, it’s certainly been a fun trip…and a very nice paid vacation to boot, so if all good things must come to an end, then I guess that I can’t leave this one too disappointed.

The Highlights:

  • The camaraderie with co-workers (awwww…) and learning things about them that I would’ve never guessed…or wanted to know in some cases!
  • Coming to learn that although the folks at Steak ‘n Shake haven’t the foggiest idea what Eggs Benedict are, they’ve got no qualms about serving up a glass of Coke with a healthy heaping of hot fudge at the bottom.
  • Never setting foot at the actual disaster recovery site, much less doing any real work.
  • Going bowling and realizing that it’s actually not the horrible experience that I remember from my high school and pre-high school days. In fact, I’ve learned this year that most things really aren’t… 😛
  • And of course, getting paid about sixty hours worth of overtime for the whole thing ain’t too shabby, either!Now just get me through the alleged twenty hour trip home and I’ll be happy! Atlanta, you’ve treated us well…

…hindsight = 20/20…

And I’m starting to wish that I hadn’t shut down my computers at home before I left – at least then I’d have a nice supply of The Simpsons and Futurama to pull from to help pass the time! 😛

Alpharetta is BEAUTIFUL this time of year!


So here I am in classy Alpharetta, Georgia – just north (I think) of Atlanta. We drove all night – the trip took something like 13 hours total and I couldn’t sleep a wink of it, so I was quite pleased to find that my hotel room came with a bed and everything! So now I’m rested (at least somewhat) and the waiting game continues: there is very little that I can do work-wise over webmail and I’m really not in much of a rush to wake up the boss and get the VPN dealio going, so I just do what I can and look forward to a very mild brushing of Tampa so that the offices stay open back home and this becomes nothing more than an all-expenses-paid roadtrip.

We shall see…

When it rains, it…well, you know…

What a wet-lookin’ day!!!

It was kinda neat watching the thunderstorms come in from the view at work, as you could literally watch the rain move across the land, enveloping one suburb before leaving behind sunshine and moving along to the next – very cool.

It was less than neat, however, trying to come home when I soon discovered that I was nearly out of gas. Never before have I needed an umbrella while pumping gas underneath an awning!!! Also, the power flickered out and that kinda made me nervous, but having the need to wring my pants out before getting back into the car was the last straw – not cool at all.

And I didn’t get to swim tonight because of the lightning…and I’m certainly not getting up early to go do it tomorrow morning, so tomorrow night better be nicer, damn it!

No Interest Whatsoever

This weekend was particularly lazy, as most of my weekends tend to be, however I’m ever so happy to report that a single, solitary event caused the entire two-day rendevouz to be beautifully worthwhile! To rip off a perfectly good catchphrase, a fifteen minute call saved me much more than fifteen percent, but not on my car insurance, mind you. Over the last month I paid off one of my fairly large credit cards, so likewise once I received notification that the account was empty, it was time to call and get that baby closed…but wait just a gosh darn minute! I still had one card with an extraordinarily high interest rate, so using my ultra-slick negotiation skills, I ended up keeping the account open to the tune of a 0% balance transfer rate until September 2005…

So for those who can’t quite keep up with the math, at this point I still owe various creditors a bit of money, but I’m not paying them any interest to borrow it anymore…and there was much rejoicing! Between the two refinancing options I chose over the last month, I figure that I’ll be saving about $800 – $1000 between now and Christmas – that’s a cool grand that can be used to pay off my principal that much sooner, or instead purchase myself a very cool Christmas present indeed.

Nope – pay off the principal, damn it! I’ve already got a huge television…that’s just going to have to be enough for the time being.

In other news, for the first time in lord knows how long, I went swimming tonight and it was great! Well, actually it was more like floating for the most part because I didn’t want to risk “waking my neighbors” because I was “breaking the rules” by “utilizing the swimming pool after hours,” but it was still nice to just float around and relax for a while. I must say that it did really scare me how out of touch with the water and swimming and all of that that I’ve become, as I definitely need to spend some more time over there in the future, but I really don’t think that’s going to be a problem. I’ve been trying to force myself into some sort of an exercise program now for quite some time with little success, but after “swimming” a few laps I certainly felt tired! Tired, but of course not sweaty, and that’s most definitely a plus when considering any workout plan for me!

I figure that I’ll start with a half an hour or so every other night this week to see how it goes. They say that swimming is supposed to be one of the best types of exercise because it hits just about every important muscle group, so we shall see what happens! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to watch some Fraggles before bedtime…