a wise man once said…

“One doesn’t know how much crap he’s truly accumulated until he’s piled it up in the centers of his living and dining rooms…”

What a pain in the ass, I tell ya! Today I cleaned out my office to make way for the construction that my apartment complex is starting Monday and as you can see below, it was a busy day! Hopefully that’ll end up being the worst because I think it was the most stuff crammed into the smallest possible space … which, of course, means that my new office is going to be freakin’ sweet. I think I’ll have room for the couches and everything – it should actually look like a real office is supposed to by the time I’m done! Server box will be tucked away in the closet so I don’t have to listen to the stupid fans day and night, which is going to be a nice change by itself because right now its sitting in the middle of my living room and at this point it seems to be noisier than ever. I’d still like to replace parts of it for Christmas, but we’ll have to see how bad the budget is first – I’ve got a feeling that I’m going to be swiping that card many a time over the next couple of weeks… 😉

…there shall be no “dining,” per se, this week…

…and the living room ain’t much better, either! Where did all of this crap come from?!

And to think that all of that was crammed in an 8×8 sqaure-foot room…

The new and improved office – I earned that view, damn it! 😉

But in other news:

  • Disney trip yesterday went better than expected. I ended up just going over for dinner and fireworks at Epcot – ate a little “oriental cuisine” in Japan, watched a ’50s-style R&B performance in America, then watched Illuminations on the way out. The trip was a little emotional, but moreover thought provoking and well worth the effort. Overall I proved to myself what I needed to prove and will likely go several more times before my pass expires next year…
    • …and that’s not to say that I won’t be renewing it next year, either. I have to do something fun with that huge bonus that I should be getting come springtime! 😉
  • Kind of changed my mind on the whole furniture predicament and I’ve decided that I might be picking some stuff up after all, at least if Kanes is still honoring the 0% Interest Until 2010 deal that’s posted on their website. If $3000 in new furniture isn’t enough to turn over a new leaf or three, I don’t know what is…
  • Watched a few more episodes of the UK version of The Office and I’m getting a little more into it, possibly just because I learned that Ricky Gervais and Stephan Merchant are actually the creators of the entire thing. Still don’t like it as much as Extras, but such is life…
  • I need another book case, but my problem is that it has to match the other one that I already have and Office Depot doesn’t seem to sell that brand anymore. I’d hate to replace it because it matches the rest of my office furniture so well … any ideas?
  • New site design went up for L7 Comix on Friday and to say the least, I’m quite proud of it. I learned a lot of new things that make the way I used to design websites seem kinda silly now, but hence evolution for you, I suppose! The only thing I didn’t do as I had hoped was learn how to incorporate CSS into the mix, but I guess that’s mostly because all that I really wanted to do with it anyways I was still able to do with PHP. Next up on the list … you’ll just have to wait and see! 🙂

Countdown to Moving Day: 7 days!!!

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