(cross-posted from L7 Comix)
Greetings and Salutations!
After many long and grueling months, on behalf of L7 Comix I am most certainly happy to announce the “big project” that we’ve been gossiping about all this time, so without further a due, I’d like to present the very first Ink, Paint & Tears… calendar!

I know I would.
Reserve your very own piece of the magic by placing your pre-order today! Simply send a brief e-mail message to [email protected] and let us know how many you’d like to pre-order – not only will you receive our gratitude for helping to give us an idea of just how many of these bad boys we’re going to be able to sell, but you’ll also receive a very special, inaugural coupon allowing you to purchase your pre-ordered calendars at a discounted price when they become available at the end of the month! I know, I know – it sounds too good to be true, but wait … there’s more…
We’re also going to hold a very special, inaugural drawing the day that the calendars are released and one lucky mailing list member will be receiving a brand-new Ink, Paint & Tears… 2006 Wall Calendar completely free of charge! The drawing will take place the day that the calendars become available, so if you’ve been putting off joining our mailing list for whatever reason, now would be a great time to jump on the bandwagon! Of course, if you’re one of our fans who happens to read our strip via RSS or LiveJournal and aren’t on our mailing list, please send a quick note to [email protected] and we’d be happy to include your name in the drawing. Either way you secure your copy of our new calendar, we’re almost completely sure that you’ll be more than thrilled the day it shows up in the mail!
It’s a very happy time here at L7 Comix and we hope that you all will enjoy our new calendar just as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together for you! This is just the first of many great, new projects to come about in 2006 and we look forward to sharing each of them with you as they come to fruition – happy new year, everyone…
– Scott Sevener
Writer / Web Producer – Ink, Paint & Tears…
P.S. One last thing – Lori and I really want to see this thing start off with a bang, so in addition to locking in your discounted price, I’m also going to throw in an autographed copy of your favorite strip to the first five pre-orders that we receive. That’s just the kind of guy I am!