So I’ve been sick the last couple of days … what fun! Not nearly as bad as my first year in Florida when I spent Christmas Day passed out in bed, mind you, but certainly not having a very good time with it all, either. It all hit me out of the blue Sunday night when we got back from the parks to our hotel room and I was miserable straight on ’til morning … we actually ended up leaving Monday morning instead of spending our last day at Disney, but part of that can also be attributed to the fact that it was only 45 degrees outside when we woke up, and we both agreed that even in good health that’s just way too cold to spend the day running around Disney World! 🙁
But it was a fun couple of days while it lasted, and we definitely both needed the vacation and some time for just the two of us. Candlelight Processional was really good again this year (our celebrity host was Andie MacDowell). I particularly enjoyed watching the orchestra play, as we were closer to the front this time around, and I made a vow to get there even earlier so we can sit in the middle up front next time to provide an even better view. Regardless, it’s a good show regardless of my own personal beliefs and I’m glad that it’s becoming something of a tradition for us.
We didn’t too much for rides, as we spent more time looking at Christmas decorations and taking photos, but there were definitely some notables in both directions. Spaceship Earth was doing a soft-opening since its refurbishments, and I wasn’t really impressed by the new version at all. I’ll save my rants for a full-fledged column of sorts, but let’s just say that as it stands, I enjoyed the post-attraction games more than the attraction itself. :< Everest was wild as always and I’m even getting better about putting my arms up on rollercoasters – kind fun when you just let go! Also, not exactly an attraction, but IllumiNations at Epcot was particularly “special” Saturday night, in that we ended up getting pelted with ash during the last part of the show … apparently it was either too windy or not windy enough, and as much as we both love that show, we agreed that had it been our call, it would’ve just gotten cancelled altogether that night.
Back to pictures, though … I took quite a few over the course of about two days – actually 729 to be exact! In my defense, though, I’ve gotten a little bit more serious about taking pictures over there in that if I see something that I like, I’ll take a dozen or more shots instead of just one to make sure that I get something worth keeping – especially with all of the Christmas lights that we saw over the weekend. I just finished going through them tonight and surprisingly found about 200 of them weren’t bad, which sounds like a great time to segue into my new photo galleries:

View Photos from ICE! @ Gaylord Palms Resort

View Photos from Our Disney World Christmas … 2007 Edition
I’ve been doing a lot of uploading over the past couple of weeks – I guess I never really realized just how huge my previous galleries were, but I’m currently at a little over 800 photos online and probably have another 500-600 to go, not counting archives for Disney and the Everglades. Those are getting saved for last because I’m pulling out images here and there to also include in separate galleries of solely Disney images – the shots without family and friends, that is – because a lot of people always seemed to like those and I eventually want to try throwing up a little advertising to see what happens. So feel free to explore anywhere around the Gallery as it is from those links, but just understand that there’s a lot still to be done and if you get any errors along the way, feel free to let me know! My photo galleries are sort of my first controllable step towards getting content back online and hopefully I’ll have more to say next week, but in the meantime enjoy the happy Christmas pictures and be merry… 🙂