from the 1939 New York World’s Fair
(Fun Fact: Walt Disney first debuted attractions that would later become the initial attractions for Disneyland at the 1964 World’s Fair!)
I’m not sure which is creepier – that this place even existed, or that so many people worked to do what they did here.
Life > Candy Land
a little reminder of our Carnival Cruise from last year!
Quite glad I didn’t grow up during that era – I’d have made a horrible seaman!
I was really amazed at how many full-sized trains and cars and whatnots they had in the transportation exhibit.
Apparently Mickey’s bosses weren’t behaving…
Ice Cream Break!!!
The budget’s 2,000 pages thick?! No wonder we’re thirteen trillion dollars in debt!
This hasn’t changed, despite the beliefs of some…
I remember Rock the Vote! Do they still do that? Admittedly that was back when MTV still rocked…
more creepy civil war paraphenalia
No wonder they haven’t caught him yet – they didn’t even spell his name right on the wanted poster!
And we’re outside again…