Needless to say, my anniversary trip was pretty sweet, but if I had to pick my top 5 favorite highlights of the whole thing, it would probably go a little something like this…
5. The LEGO Store @ Downtown Disney
Sure, it wasn’t as big as the one that I’m used to back home, and I’m not sure I see the logic in some of the awesome displays being way up near the ceiling where they’re tough to see, but I always get a kick out of seeing them anyways, and plus, it gave me a chance to start putting together a list of sorts for when Christmastime comes rolling around!

4. Captain EO Tribute
I don’t care what anybody else who I happened to be married to says – this attraction starring the King of Pop in his former glory was wonderful! Ok, maybe not as wonderful as the dude next to me thought who was cheering and imitating Michael Jackson’s dance moves from his seat throughout the entire video, but once I figured out how to tune him out, it was great.

3. Pixar Play Parade
Now we don’t often watch any of the daytime parades at Disney World and actually only caught this one completely by accident, but by the time it was over I think we were both glad that we had postponed our dinner by 15 minutes to check it out. The acrobatics involved on each of the floats was just incredible – it’s kind of hard to see from the photo, but that Tinker Toy that Rex is holding up? All of the other cowboys and cowgirls on the float were taking turns doing flips on it while the float was still moving!
Plus, all of the floats and characters in general were just really colorful.
Plus, I got to see Frozone, which was just cool.
Pun intended.

2. Blue Bayou Pirate Anniversary Dinner
Again, I ask you – what kind of wife arranges a pirate-themed dinner for their anniversary?!
A keeper – that’s who! This restaurant, situated just overlooking the beginning of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, had a great ambience, somewhat dim and romantic, and the food was really good, too. Probably the best crab cakes I’ve ever tasted, plus a pumpkin tiramisu for dessert … these are the days that I’ll look back and tell my grandkids about someday…

1. World of Color
We had a feeling right from the start that it was going to be amazing, but I don’t think we had any idea until we looked out our hotel room window the night we got there and watched this brilliant spectacle of colors from above just how cool it was. I think we watched it five or six times total – once from inside the park, but then several more times from our room … heck, there were some nights when they were running three shows a night! It never got old, though, because it’s definitely a very different show from each perspective, and regardless, both views did a great job of adding that final bit of Disney magic onto the end of every night just before going to bed…

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