a Brazilian boatloads of beef

You ever eat so much steak that you feel like your intestines are ready to boycott the rest of your digestive system???

Tonight we went out to this Brazilian steakhouse down in Tampa that offered all-you-can-eat servings of 17 different meats, including more cuts of beef than you can shake a steak knife at! It was kind of similar to ‘Ohana over at the Polynesian where the servers just walk around with skewers full of random meats and they unload as much as you want right onto your plate, except Disney’s version only has four meats and they’re more of a variety (chicken, shrimp, steak and something else, I think?), whereas this was just one cut of steak after another that I couldn’t have possibly picked out of a line-up on my own!

So much food, and yet so good – this one will definitely get added onto our list of worthwhile local eateries to take friends and family when they come to visit. Let’s hope by then the two or three (or four?!) steaks worth that I ate tonight will have managed to clear out so that I’ll actually have room for more…

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