like dominos, but with CASH!!!
Also pretty incredible… random acts of balancing a pyramid of pennies (stats near the end of the video – that’s a lot of buckazoids!) this one...
Also pretty incredible… random acts of balancing a pyramid of pennies (stats near the end of the video – that’s a lot of buckazoids!) this one...
One of my biggest pet peeves of all-time is people who flick their cigarette butts out the window while they’re driving in front of me down the highway. I...
So hopefully this isn’t too big of a spoiler, but I’m currently working on editing my next book. It’s another collection of humor columns, picking up where I le...
So a quick update – a week later, I’m actually still using Fitocracy (just made Level 4!!!), and I think I’m ready to take on a little more. Well, not like the ...
The last couple of days have been a lot of fun… Yesterday was my wife’s birthday, so I tried to carve a little more time than she’s usually be...
Today is my wife Sara’s birthday, so instead of wasting the day away blogging, I’m just gonna leave this here for your taxidermic enjoyment while we...
So if there’s one thing moving my blog from LiveJournal over to WordPress has reminded me, it’s just how much I absolutely, positively love WordPress! This is s...
Yesterday was a good day. I’m sure I’ll write something up in more depth over here sometime in the next week, but yesterday my wife, her sister, and I went over...
So my latest strategy in the arena of trying to get thinner is trying out Fitocracy. The concept is pretty simple – it’s basically another fitness t...
Love it – probably my second favorite scene in the movie! The Last March of the Ents (in LEGOs) (via The Brothers Brick)