So I’m happy to say that as of today, I’ve officially been back into my WiiFit routine for over a whole week! And it may not sound like much, but you’ve gotta start somewhere…

One thing that I’m honestly trying to do different this time, though, is to take it seriously, but not too seriously, and what I mean by that is I’m no longer going to force myself to workout every single day no matter what. Sure, it was really exciting last month when my streak got up to being 13 consecutive days in a row, but at the same time eventually it also became a little demoralizing when I started to slip and realized just how hard it was going to be to get back on top of that goal again.
The problem is, life is busy. I’ve got a lot of other things going on, between writing and still working on getting the house setup and spending time with the wife, and it just isn’t reasonable to expect at least 30 minutes of exercise from every single day, so instead my new goal is 30-45 minutes most days. Whether it’s doing WiiFit or using the elliptical or even just doing laps back and forth in the pool, I still want to try and exercise more often than not, but it’s more important in the long-term for me to be able to pick myself back up and continue after missing a day than just being absolutely devastated after missing my first day in two weeks and feeling like I have to start from scratch all over again. In retrospect it was a bad goal, so I’m replacing it with a better one.