After stumbling across this old photo while I was working on backup stuff, I started noticing random details in it and thought that going through it might make for a fun, little blog series, so here we are! 🙂
- On the TV: HBO’s Oz … I used to watch that show a lot, despite the constant shanking and man sex that apparently comes from life in prison without parole.
- On the Table: Remember CD-Rs?! We used to save all of our digital media to these cheap, optical discs that were super easy to scratch and got really bad if you left them in the front seat of your car! It was a strange time.
- On the Table: In the corner is my very first, and actually the only laptop that I’ve ever owned. I don’t remember exactly when it died, but it’s definitely in a recycle pile somewhere now.
- On the Shelf: Nintendo games! Also, my Aerosmith CD collection and it looks like a bunch of TV series on DVD.
- On the Speaker: I own an iron?!?!?! Actually, I think I still have that exact same iron. Fun Fact: I’ve never used it to iron clothes … I think it was out to try and get melted wax out of the carpet or something.
- Fishtank in the Corner: I miss the days when I was responsible enough to keep a nice fish tank, but those days are gone.
Also noteworthy:
- The TV (and the metadata on the image) dates this photo November 2004, meaning I had just gotten my brand new HD TV a couple of months prior! Although we technically still have it in our living room today, it’s been acting real funky lately and my wife mentioned she smelled smoke and burning coming from it, so a decade is probably the lifespan for that reliable, old rear projection TV.