An Epic Moment of Awesome
Picture it in your mind: Finding themselves surrounded by a horde of drakes after attempting passage through one of the most treacherous parts of the region, a ...
Picture it in your mind: Finding themselves surrounded by a horde of drakes after attempting passage through one of the most treacherous parts of the region, a ...
Also pretty incredible… random acts of balancing a pyramid of pennies (stats near the end of the video – that’s a lot of buckazoids!) this one...
Holy crap – if there was any chance that the actual movie that they’ve been talking about could look anything like this incredible short from Alex A...
The last couple of days have been sort of surreal with Steve Jobs’ passing and all. Already there have been reports of memorials appearing at Apple stores...
…but something tells me I’d be having a lot more fun right now if I had!
I was pretty impressed when one of these little guys showed up on Friday as a birthday present from my sister and her husband. I was even more so impressed when...
I don’t know what it is about the Lord of the Rings movies, but I really can’t watch just one of them without setting myself up for a ginormous mara...
Just watch it.
This one is kind of old, but I came across it today while deleting some dead bookmarks and, well…
I was first pointed towards The Brothers Brick via the Legos to Jupiter post that I put up earlier, but little did I know that this was merely the tip of the ic...