After a great deal of cohorting from Leslie, I finally washed and cleaned my car this weekend…apparently it was pretty bad! Between both vehicles, we probably spent a good couple of hours Saturday afternoon scrubbing and whatnot, but I can at least read the words on my radio buttons now – who knew that you’re supposed to clean those, too?!
Afterwards I was certain to thank her for being such a wonderful girlfriend, citing that many women would simply throw out the generic clause of, “Ewww – that’s disgusting! I’m not going anywhere with you until you clean up that mess!” instead of offering to do it together. I won’t see her again until she comes over Friday night – she still claims that my bathroom needs a good scrub down, too, but I think I might just take a couple of hours one night before then and do it so that she doesn’t have to… 😛
The rest of the afternoon featured cruising around in her convertible with the top down, a brief stop by the mall to pick up her Disney pass (…visiting the Mouse next Saturday – woo hoo!), and another quick tour of New Tampa to see my future place of work before returning home for pizza, wings, and Office Space. If anybody can think of a better way to spend a Saturday night, I’m still not interested!