I don’t really have anything non-disgusting to write about – I just thought that the title sounded funny…
I was actually up in the air on whether I should’ve written last week’s humor column about the fun and exciting world of bronchitis … it probably actually would’ve been easier than writing about “3D Toothpaste,” but after I looked back and realized that I’ve actually already written several columns about being sick – all right around this same time – I decided that it was probably best to wallow in my own misery in private and pursue the regularly scheduled topic for my weekly humorous endeavor instead.
Admittedly it does get a little weird after having written my weekly column “regularly” for the last four years now in that sometimes the temptation is there to fall into patterns of writing about the same types of seasonal topics year after year. Apparently being sick and cold is somewhat popular for me in Januarys, talk of Hurricane Season is an easy way to kick off the summer, and of course, I don’t think I ever don’t write about Christmas and Christmastime stuffs throughout the month of December because, well, I just really, really like Christmastime!
It might just be that I’m too close to my own writing and thus over-analytical about it, but sometimes I wonder if other people catch on to these patterns and if so, do they get tired of reading about the same jokey topics at the same time each year. For the most part, I like to think that the holiday-related humor is a given and somewhat excusable, and for what it’s worth I do try to change it up from year to year – this week will feature a Valentine’s Day column that has a fun spin that I haven’t entertained before. But as for the rest of the year, I guess I just don’t want my writing schedule to become too formulaic, because even if my readers don’t notice it, eventually writing the same things over and over has the potential to become boring and overdone for me to write, too! Then I run the risk of repeating jokes and concepts, and I just feel like I spend more time covering my tracks that I do writing new humor…
Talk about the lazy writer’s conundrum – write about your life and what you know, but also don’t forget to go out and do lots of interesting stuff so that you’ve got plenty of different things to write about!
Also, don’t get sick. Well, you can get sick once or twice, but after that people are going to get tired of hearing about it…