So I finally got around to cleaning up the rest of the networking fiasco in my office – drilled some holes, coiled some cables, and generally made it so you can walk into the closet again without tripping over a huge rats nest of wiring…

power, phone, and desktop ethernet from the other room, plus cable for the Internet

grounded & surge-protected power for router, wi-fi access point, VoIP adapter and server PC
“the main hub”of my communications center!
- 4-port broadband router
- 802.11g wi-fi access point
- VoIP adapter
- cable modem
- (top shelf) server PC
(next addition will be a gigabit switch sometime this spring)
and finally, expensive and slightly-overrated, yet still very cool wireless print server – no more cables draped across the room!!!Tomorrow – finishing touches on the entertainment center … what a geek won’t do to keep himself occupied… 😛
And here I just got shitfaced with Germans…jeez, what was I thinking? 🙂 Very nice!