Lazy Wednesday
I had today off, or at least the afternoon anyways, and I had all of these plans to come home and get right to work and be really productive. Had lunch and worked for about an hour, got really frustrated about the stupid magic_quotes thing, lay down for a nap and the next thing I knew, it was 9pm! Oops…
Although I do have to work tomorrow, I’m training at our new facility which is only a couple of miles away, so at least that’ll give me another hour or two from the commute to call my own. I’m off again Friday so everything will get done one way or another. Meh…
Doctor’s Appt. Update
So I’m not going to die…at least not yet – it actually went better than I had expected. My blood pressure was 144/82, which means that although the diastolic isn’t too bad, systolic is somewhat of a warning (normal is 120/80). So I’m going back for some blood work in a few weeks and in the meantime, he just wants me to continue exercising regularly and do a little tweaking to my diet to make it more effective – basically stating that while I might eventually have to be on medication for high blood pressure because it runs in the family, a healthy lifestyle should postpone that for another 25-30 years or so. And while the details from the blood work might come back differently, so far that’s good news in my mind…
But the diet’s going to be tricky…basically he suggested that I start counting calories because ultimately that’s the healthiest way to lose weight. He said to forget about all of the fancy weight loss pills and carb diets because they’re harsh on the body, which I wasn’t really going to consider anyways, and it was a little encouraging to hear someone who doesn’t know me say that I was doing a good job so far. Since last summer, I’ve lost between 20 & 25 pounds and apparently on an average of about one pound per week, that’s about right. I still need to sit down one of these nights and break down everything that I’m eating so that I can make a spreadsheet of how much I can eat in a day … not really looking forward to it, but such is life sometimes. He also gave me some common sense tips for exercising that I plan to start following, too.
I could’ve sworn that I had a third point to talk about when I first sat down to do this, but at this point it’s pretty much escaped me and I’m ready to go to bed! I’m sure that it’ll come to me later, but I’ve got a big day ‘o learning ahead of me tomorrow, so until then…
This might sound like a stupid suggestion, but you might want to pick up the book French Women Don’t Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano. It is no way a diet, but talks a lot about the differences between eating, food, and the mentality about these things in America in comparison with France. A lot of the stuff she talks about is true for Germany too. It is interesting, sometimes quirky and funny, sometimes a little too French, but it changed some of my eating habits, even without following everything she said to a T, like drinking more water, not having taboo foods, and how important lots of fruits and veggies are.
I dunno. 🙂 You and me are both still on the get fit crusade, so I feel like I should offer any and all help. (I end up feeling kind of like Bridget Jones, heh.)