I’ll admit that this was one time when the driving did seem to get a bit tedious, not so much for the duration, but I think more so because we were running out of awesome things to do in our itinerary and it was becoming more and more clear that our trip was coming to a close. Of course, not far down the road from our hotel was one particular landmark that Sara absolutely insisted that we visit on our way through…

Meet Pedro
Tucked just underneath the delicate line between North and South Carolina, South of the Border is one of those places that has nearly everything that a tourist could desire … assuming that said tourists are after cheap souvenirs, a tank of gas, and some quick photos with the locals, anyways! Apparently this is one of those places that the wife always stopped at when driving between South Florida and New York, much like I always made it a point to take a pitstop at one of those bars where the ladies don’t really wear much, ummmm, nevermind!

The ABCs of this business?! Always Be Comical!
Regardless, it was as good as anyplace else to get out and stretch one’s legs, and Sara got to enjoy a quick bit of nostalgia along the way, too. And of course, as you can see, the colorful backdrop if anything gave me a few more chances to pimp my book while we were there!

Have a ball … with my new book!
Normally it wouldn’t be safe to get this close to the elusive turquoise rhino, but luckily, he’s a bit of a fan…
The hippo, on the other hand – NOT A FAN!!!