dinner and a movie
So last night we went over to Orlando (in the pouring rain) and went out to eat at the new dine-in theater at Downtown Disney, and I don’t want to brag, b...
So last night we went over to Orlando (in the pouring rain) and went out to eat at the new dine-in theater at Downtown Disney, and I don’t want to brag, b...
As promised, here are a couple of new D&D pics from the campaign that I play in, along with more importantly a link to the wiki that we’ve been using...
http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6577627/bearshark BearShark.
I was first pointed towards The Brothers Brick via the Legos to Jupiter post that I put up earlier, but little did I know that this was merely the tip of the ic...
This short video of Woody watching Buzz liftoff on the Space Shuttle Discovery was ridiculously adorable!
In continuing the LEGO space discussion from a couple of weeks ago, how insanely cool is it that NASA is sending minifigs to Jupiter to help teach kids about sc...
So I found this slideshow of a rather unusual prison over in Norway that seemed kind of interesting… http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/07/25/the_...
So for my last post in this little impromptu diet writing marathon that somehow manifested itself this week, I thought we’d look to the weekend and consid...
Since my last post about using furry, little Cleo as a fitness enabler, I actually think that we’ve made a lot of progress with the walks that we’ve...
Simply put – I think I need to do more of it. I used to love the WiiFit for this because the yoga exercises actually taught me how to stretch when before ...