Caine’s Arcade

This is such a neat story – I just can’t share it around enough…

When I first watched it this morning (via BoingBoing), it already had about 68k views and they were approaching $10k for the kid’s college fund. Now when I just refreshed it half a day later, the video has been watched almost 400,000 times and Caine’s college fund has surpassed $44,000!

I chipped in five bucks this morning because the story really made me smile and I feel like an imagination like that needs to be encouraged as much as possible.

And the thing I love about the nature of the Internet is that thousands of other people felt exactly the way that I did and by the end of the week, this bright, little 9 year-old is probably going to be able to go to whatever college he wants in the country.

Just watch the video and I think you’ll agree that it’s a pretty good investment…  😉

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