a special birthday celebration on the lakeshore…

It seemed like I should probably post at least a couple of non-Madelyn, non-cake-pop-related photos from this weekend’s trip, considering that the entire point of venturing up north was in celebration of my Grandpa’s 90th birthday in the first place!

Lunch was at Stafford’s – I’d never been, but the food was pretty good and the building was all historic and it had some nice views of Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) in the background.

I think I enjoyed just lounging around on the porch afterwards the most … it was one of those relaxed afternoons that made me miss the part of living up north that I actually miss, having no particular place to go and nothing to do but enjoy the scenery and occasionally engage with people who are one way or another related to you!

In short, isolated bursts, it can actually be quite tolerable… 😛

Anywho, here’s a small collection of mementos to remember that afternoon by when I turn 90 myself.

I hope as many people will come to my birthday party as did for Grandpa… 😉

Grandpa with his grandkids (featuring me!)

Grandpa with my Aunt, Uncles, and Dad … you have no idea how hard it was to get them to all look up at the same time…

Grandpa with his great grandkids … I’m honestly not even sure if this photo ever fully happened because, well, kids…

Eventually we snuck down to the lakeshore to enjoy a bit of that majestic Lake Michigan charm that you’re always hearing so much about…

…giant, majestic rock pile and all…

There was also a pretty, little memorial garden nearby that we walked through…

Proof that we got to see the rock pile … sorry, but I’ve honestly never tried to take “a selfie” with my iPhone before and the other two turned out even worse than this! At least Sara looks pretty…

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