No ftp, but I was able to get in and fix-up the search script manually, so at least that’s something! Now I just have to waiting for it to finish indexing...
No ftp, but I was able to get in and fix-up the search script manually, so at least that’s something! Now I just have to waiting for it to finish indexing...
You’re certainly not making this whole “update that huge website in less than a month” project easy on me, are you? I’m finally ready to... And, w00t! New comic!!!
Let it be known – I want to meet a woman whose best story doesn’t go something like, “This one time I was sooooo drunk…blah blah blah...
[edited for personal content – see me if this thread concerned you…]
WTF?! Is American Idol ever NOT on anymore???
Whew, it’s late…but it sure feels good to be working online again! New stuff at Just Laugh coming in April – stay tuned!!! Just Laugh’s ...
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
My coffee table is about 40 miles north of Chattanooga, TN. It’s only a matter of time, now… Note: Also excited about seeing friends bringing the ta...