The Old Apartment
After stumbling across this old photo while I was working on backup stuff, I started noticing random details in it and thought that going through it might make ...
After stumbling across this old photo while I was working on backup stuff, I started noticing random details in it and thought that going through it might make ...
Despite being a lifelong computer geek, I’ve never really been very good about maintaining proper backups. It’s always been something that was just ...
So despite my entirely negative review about a month ago, admittedly I’ve still been playing this sporadically here and there – I suppose you could ...
I really liked this series when I started posting them back in September, but I somehow managed to fall completely off the wagon in October. Let’s try to ...
After nearly a month and a half wait because apparently I’m not the only one who ordered one of these shiny, new iPhone 6s, they finally came in the mail ... If only the first episode of season three had been as compelling as the trailer, maybe we’d still have a show ...
I think it’s pretty safe to say that when less than half the country can’t be bothered to come out to the voting booths on election day, we have a s...
So the midterm elections happened yesterday, and as you may have guessed, things didn’t exactly go the way that I’d hoped. I went out and voted agai...
I don’t know how in the world I missed it earlier this summer, but pretty much everything that Brotherhood Workshop puts out is bona fide gold! …and...