Bad news on the Netflix front…
I got an e-mail yesterday that Netflix is discontinuing their “Profiles” feature, which allows customers to have multiple users under a single accou...
I got an e-mail yesterday that Netflix is discontinuing their “Profiles” feature, which allows customers to have multiple users under a single accou... This is pretty cool – a poster depicting 56 variants of geekiness by Scott Johnson (of the ...
Also, apparently TextAmerica decided to pull the plug early and now my old domain ( doesn’t even point to my MoBlog anymore, so I...
I spent a good deal of time fighting with Gallery today, trying to get multi-site working properly so that I can start rebuilding my personal photo galleries th...
I came across this very interesting post the other day from Chris Anderson, the Editor-in-Chief of Wired Magazine, that seems to have a whole lot of people in a...
I’ve jumped on the bandwagon and decided that I want an iPhone. And I think between the $600 price tag, not using AT&T Wireless, and still being under...
…and Verizon isn’t much better. We came home Monday night to the worst cable & internet services we’ve had to date. Internet access is dow...
Last night Sara and I were out walking late at night and we had brought our beach towels with us because the plan was to stop by the hot tub on the way back. Ha...
Well, no worthwhile updates on the hard drive problems yet, except that I also tried throwing a Knoppix live cd in to see if by some miracle Linux would be able...