the future IS Google…

Sam Walton Taught Google More About How to Dominate the Internet Than Microsoft Ever Did

Anyone who’s been following Google’s gargantuan growth spurts recently will find this article particularly interesting – if there is one company that I’ve ever wanted to work for more than Disney (or Pixar, or Industrial Light & Magic, but you get the idea!), it’d be Google. These guys eat and breathe innovation, and it’s no wonder that they’ve got everyone from Microsoft to Wal-Mart shaking in their boots…

Like the author says, “…Web 2.0 IS Google.” Good for them!

things to do this weekend…

  • continue unpacking
  • fill big fish tank and test water
  • paint master bed and bath rooms
  • play borrowed copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  • catch-up comics for upcoming project
  • continue to diagram backend for new Just Laugh
  • get majority of paid writing done for December
  • order DVDs, cables, and other things that are far too expensive locally
  • find time for the gym!

last day of the big 20% off sale…

If you’re looking for easy Christmas presents or just a cheap way to fill some holes in the collection, don’t forget that the 20% off coupon DVDTALK is good until Saturday at midnight for all of your shopping needs! Also including free shipping, I’ve currently got a shopping cart of 10 discs that hasn’t even reached $100 yet – a lot of them are showing up at $7 or $8 a piece … the only way to beat that is to find these in the value bin at Wal-Mart, which you’re certainly not going to do!

Enjoy and keep me in mind during your holiday purchases… 😉

just call me Mario!

Super, indeed…

Tonight I got to play plumber, even got to use the tape and everything! Replaced leaky flappers in both of my toilets (even though one’s still being stubborn), and also installed a very sweet, new showerhead — of all things, this one rotates! Tomorrow’s shower should be quite the interesting adventure…

P.S. As a tribute to Dave Barry and a plea for him to come back to the writing side, “The Leaky Flappers” would be a great name for a rock band! 🙂

a not-so-comforting dilema

the good news: I found a new comforter that I really like at Bed, Bath & Beyond

the bad news: it’s four hundred dollars

Even with one of those 20% off coupons that always come in the mail, that’s still over three hundred bucks! Albeit I do really like the fabric and agree that it’s just no comparison when aside the cheap, $60 bed-in-a-bags from Wal-Mart that I’m used to, but still – that’s an awful lot of change…

moving day #7 — THE LAST POST

Note to self: don’t put off cleaning until the last possible minute when moving out of next apartment!!!

Today was supposed to be the easy day – grab a few boxes from the kitchen, the rest of my clothes, then clean the place and be on my way – home in plenty of time to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, right? Wrong … dead wrong!

I had predicted that the entire job would take me about three hours. This figure is off by roughly 300% because I just got home an hour ago! I completely and utterly underestimated the cleaning aspect, I also completely underestimated the amount of stuff in my kitchen and had my car packed so full that things were falling on me during the trip up, and not to mention the fact that I didn’t even realize that the paint that I had brought wasn’t nearly light enough to “just blend in” with what was already on the walls for touch-up. I still did an ok job – having stayed until 2:00 AM, I think I can still safely say that – but I’m still banking on the hope that they’ll be gutting the place to “upgrade” it along with the rest of the units around mine and won’t care about some small scuffs on the walls, etc… At least I filled in my own nail holes… 😛

But back at Hunter’s Green in beautiful New Tampa, the refrigeratibles have been unloaded, the fish have been moved to a roomier location (and stand a good chance of dying, but I’ll talk about that tomorrow after I see if they’ve pulled through or not…), and now I’m just waiting for my pizza rolls to finish cooking so I can eat something and go to bed! Also, in case you’re wondering, work already knows that I’m not coming in until noon, so no freakish stunts there. The rest of the unpacking also needs to be done in the morning, unless I want to take all of this crap downtown with me, but we’ll see if I actually wake up on time first.


Anyways, I now no longer have residence at Baywater Drive, but I’m tired and dinner’s ready so I’ll reflect upon that at a later date. I’d say have yourselves a lovely evening, but everyone else is already asleep at this point… 😛