
If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work.

— Jacques Cousteau

It seems that life is throwing a lot of challenges at me this summer and while I might not deserve them, they’re mine to deal with and deal with them I shall. It may take me some time here and there to collect my thoughts, but I’m not going to give up the race. Its times like this when I need to heed my own words – it can’t rain forever … everything’s going to be alright.

“You should never let the sun set on tomorrow before the sun rises today…”

Thank you for your time – I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog…


Ever have one of those days when you wish you hadn’t even gotten out of bed in the morning?

Why can’t I stop having them?

it’s always something, I tell ya…

Well, after four weeks and three system restores dating back to nearly June, my Windows Update lag issue seems to be fixed. At least I’m running bittorrent right now and am still somehow able to type, so that’s got to count for something…

It looks like now wi-fi is going to be on the fritz for a while – I was finally able to start using my own connection again this week after bumping down the encryption to just plain, old WEP, but now it’s back to this goofy thing where sometimes it can’t get a valid IP address from my router and obtains a private one instead…sans Internet access, of course. I honestly wish that I’d never bought that router and just stayed with Internet Connection Sharing because I’m constantly unplugging the thing to power-cycle and kick-start DHCP…and all of the message boards seem to agree that its internal server SUCKS, so I know that it’s not just me.

Any chance someone out there has some experience with Linksys products and getting them to work with one another successfully? It should be a pretty simple setup – just a broadband router and a 802.11g access point, with my cable modem plugged directly into the router. DHCP lease time is set to the max … the access point is the least stable, but sometimes my desktop or VoIP line will lose their IPs, too, and I don’t like the idea of having to pick up the phone every so often just to verify that it’s still actually working properly. The only other thing that I can think of is just turning DHCP off altogether and manually configuring IPs, but it seems like a pain and I’d like things to be simpler than that if I have guests over that want to jump on the network with their laptops.

I’m open to suggestions – help a fellow geek out! 😛

WDW ends 2005 summer blackout dates early…

This is kinda cool, I guess…

And now, 4 more weeks of celebrating this summer.

Good news! As a special treat, you can use your Seasonal Pass for four extra weeks this summer, from July 22-August 18, 2005. Just use your current valid Seasonal Pass at any Walt Disney World Theme Park and make yourself at home. It’s our way of making the Happiest Celebration On Earth, even happier.


Don’t Panic!

I just got back from the pool…

Sometimes I forget how much swimming helps to calm my nerves and clear my mind so that I can try to bring things back into perspective. It kind of makes me sad that in a few months, it’ll be too cold once again to go for a few laps at midnight! See why I’m desperate for my own pool when I finally make that house purchase?!

Anyways, things might be tight for a couple of months, but I guess until that call to the cable company gets made for a downgrade in service, I really can’t do too much complaining! BoA is going to be a challenge now, but it’ll get done nonetheless. I suppose if anything, this would be that lovely opportunity that I’ve been waiting for to explore other options with pushing my writing career on to new heights, eh Les? 😉

That said, look for v.2 of comedic-genius.com to pop online in the next week or so…finally. Oi vey…

good news?

I fixed the wi-fi by stepping the encryption back a notch, so I don’t need to leech off the neighbors anymore to have access on my laptop.

Besides, a couple of those guys had some pretty lame upstream caps!

Hey, it’s not much, but it’s a start… 😛

…I’ve seen better Julys…

Upon returning home this evening…

  • …an e-mail from my editor indicated that effective this week, my involvement with the paper will be reduced to a minimum and I’ll only be needed for a fraction of the paid writing that I’ve become accustomed to providing over the past two years.
  • …all of the bread in my apartment is apparently moldy and ruined, leading me back to the same, boring dinner that I’ve been enduring for the past several weeks.
  • …I did the math and realized that unless I can line up some new writing clients quick (which isn’t likely to happen), Bank of America won’t be getting paid off by my birthday in August after all.
  • …I watched some scenes from Fahrenheit 9/11 and despite the fact that I know a lot of it is subjective, I’m still disgusted by the words that came out of our President’s mouth.
  • …and on top of it all, I’ve got this splitting headache that just won’t for the life of me go away.Just for the record, I think I’ve been a pretty good sport despite of things this summer…how’s about saying enough with these storm clouds already?!

bigotry at the House of Mouse?

No, not exactly, but I found this posting earlier and it’s just been too entertaining for me to not share it tonight!


In a nutshell, a bunch of folks are peeved because Disney allows “Gay Days” to take place on their property and doesn’t do anything to “warn other guests of their presence.” Never you mind that it’s technically sponsored by the City of Orlando and not an officially Disney-sanctioned event, and never you mind that “technically” gay people are people, too. Some people are just intolerant jerks…

I think I’m going to make it a point to go next year, just to see what all of the fuss is about. I don’t even care about the lines – we’ll just go over for dinner & fireworks or something…should be a good show! 😛

truly “On Demand”

It looks like HBO finally got it right and is now adding their current series line-up to the service each week as it airs. I may still be only one of like four people watching it, but at least now I can catch Entourage each week without having to work around schedules and stuff!

Ahhhh, technology…