inspirational / work-related

(I must’ve listened to this song 800 times on the way home…very motivational!)

[paraphrased from multiple choruses]

It’s my job…
…to be better than the best, and that enough reason to go for me.
It’s my job…
…and without it I’d be less than what I expect from me.

Song: It’s My Job [from Jimmy Buffett: Live in Hawaii]
Written by: Mac McAnally
Performed by: Mac McAnally and Jimmy Buffett

Re: homeward bound

UPDATE: Here’s an idea…maybe I should – right now – make a pact to keep it this clean!

I can think of at least one person who would appreciate it…we’ll see, hun… 😛

homeward bound

Whew – just got home and man, does this place look clean!!! I’m almost afraid to walk anywhere…apparently I did a better job of cleaning up before I left than I had thought!

Now to dirty the place up again with all of the crap sitting out in my car…oh wait, it’s raining, so that’s going to have to wait a few minutes…

Welcome home to me! 🙂

VoIP / cold / driver’s training

  • Finally found a VoIP provider that appears to be getting my very first dollars spent on an alternative telephone service – VoicePulse. They seem to offer just about everything that I could want, they’re willing to port my home number, and it sounds like they might even let me choose any interim number that I want! I’ll sign-up in the next day or two so that the equipment will be waiting for me when I get home…now to just figure out how to avoid either moving the answering machine into my office or running cat5 across the living room… 🙁
  • After freezing my tuckus off two days ago, I’ve decided that it simply isn’t worth trying to exercise in the evenings up here – with temperatures in the 40s, I’ll probably just end up getting sick and causing more harm than good. Of course, I suppose that I could give it a shot during the day when the sun is out and all…maybe I’ll try thattomorrow!
  • I’m trying not to gripe, but it certainly is considerablycolder up here than it is back home in Tampa…no worries about me staying for good, honey! 🙂
  • Completely finished disc #1 of the first season of Curb Your Enthusiasm that I bought before leaving town – what a great show!!! If I make it through both discs, though, of course I really owe it to myselfto grab season two for the return trip home… 😛
  • I did find all of my old SNES games while cleaning up the other day, so those will definitely be brought back with me, amongst other things! I had a chance to play a little Super Mario World with an old friend earlier this week and let’s just say that I can’t wait to see it up on the big screen!
  • Spent about an hour or so this evening trying to teach Lori how to drive stick shift…and she did ok, but still has quite a ways to go before I’d feel safe knowing that she’s out on the road…and not to say that I feel safe with most of the other folks out there regardless, either! I don’t really remember what it was specifically that helped me learn how to ease from gear to gear in a fluid-motion without all of the jerkiness, but right now it just seems that she’s trying to go too fast. Who knows…maybe it’s just a nervous thing that experience itself will have to correct…
  • It’s hard to believe that I actually only have another three full days before I turn around and drive back down to Florida – the time really has gone by a lot quicker than I thought! I can’t wait to get home and see everyone back in Tampa, but it’s still kind of sad knowing that this will likely be the last time that I’ll see everyone in 2005. Live each day to its fullest…

P.S. I really miss my girlfriend…it’s hard to believe that such time away from another person could have such an impact on you. I guess if it wasn’t this hard, then it wouldn’t actually be love, eh? Can’t wait to see you again, Les… 😉

Scott MAD!!!!!

OK – just got off the phone with Verizon VoiceWing…apparently not even Verizon can port over my Verizon landline number!

Has anybody in Florida had success with porting their landline number over to a VoIP service?! Maybe I should just consider taking a new number and being done with this madness…

networking your MP3 collection into the home stereo…

Linksys Wireless-B Media Adapter (Linksys page) ( page)

Also, has anybody ever tried something like this? I’ve been looking for a component to add into my home entertainment system for a while now and I’ve always just assumed that I’d end up building a small box myself instead because nothing ever seems to cover all of the features that I want (all audio and video formats, primarily – don’t really care about pictures). This one only does audio and pictures, but they’ve got it on-sale now for $70…and most like this are well over $200. Any opinions???

IE is being mean…

Whenever I’m surfing with Internet Explorer, eventually it’ll get to a point where the browser won’t load graphics anymore. I clear the cache out, restart IE and it starts working again…for a while, until it does it all over again. I’ve also tried adjusting the cache size to allow for more crap, but nothing seems to want to work.

Has anybody else had this problem and found a working fix for it? (that is, one that doesn’t include switching to Firefox…) Help!!!