‘Twas a foggy day in the Alpine Village…

The past couple of days have been filled with home entertaining goodness, as my boss finally remembered to pick-up the first half of my entertainment center over in Traverse City. Finally migrating everything over at about one in the morning, though, I realized just how shabby the original wiring with this system was when I first hooked it up. Adding a game here or a component there, I’ve now got a literal spiderweb of cables, but fortunately I’m still over another hundred dollars away from dealing with that mess! My only gripe with my new stand is that currently the center channel to my stereo system is behind a pair of glass doors, but at least I don’t have to worry about waking up to find my TV in a pile on the floor after the stand collapsed after years and years of abuse…

I also took the opportunity to pick-up a new universal remote control while I was throwing money away, although I’ve never had too much luck with these things in the past. Hopefully this one will be a little better than the last, as it apparently has a new feature that allows it to learn old commands from my other remotes so I can actually put them away instead of keeping them handy for the one or two commands that didn’t carry over. Hell, for what I paid for the thing, it should get up by itself, walk over to the TV and push the buttons by hand when it can’t figure out what I want it to do! Ahh, the joys of being lazy…

They Fight Crime!

He’s a sword-wielding crooked stage actor on a mission from God. She’s a transdimensional hypochondriac barmaid with the power to see death. They fight crime!

He’s a scarfaced coffee-fuelled sorceror moving from town to town, helping folk in trouble. She’s a sarcastic communist mechanic in the witness protection scheme. They fight crime!

He’s an all-American small-town matador gone bad. She’s a blind wisecracking Hell’s Angel on her way to prison for a murder she didn’t commit. They fight crime!


Eleven Random Things I’d Like to Do Before I Die…

1. Go SCUBA diving on the Great Barrier Reef
2. Play a round of golf with the Pope
3. Write an episode of The Simpsons
4. Have sex, preferrably with a girl…
5. Visit my new plot of land on the moon
6. Speak to an auditorium full of college students about something profound
7. Ride an elephant
8. Attend a taping of Late Night with Conan O’Brien
9. Fly to Paris for lunch, just to make fun of the waiter
10. Make a cameo appearance in a James Bond movie
11. Participate in a jam session with Keanu Reeves, Dave Barry, and Bermuda Schwartz

Some movies are best left without a sequel…

Well, I finally got around to watching The Matrix: Reloaded the other night and all I have to say is, *yawn*…

Mind you, I ended up watching a pirated copy off the ‘net because I’ve found it’s exceedingly difficult to find a theater that is open at 2:00 AM (and because I’m a gigantic nerd). The quality wasn’t top notch, so maybe that had something to do with my movie-going -staying experience, but it just didn’t strike me like this phenomenal piece of cinematography that it was made up to be. I thought that the original was great – it left a few things hanging, but still told an entire story – but now it seems like we’re just pushing this story along into the next sequel and it was really obvious, or at least I thought it was. The first one stood out because it was a milestone of its time, but they followed the exact same formula to make this one and I honestly think that they could’ve done better by just leaving it be and creating a whole new story. Of course, I’ll still probably buy the DVD when it comes out, at least for the special effects and whatnot, but you won’t catch me lining up three weeks before the opening for tickets to The Matrix: Revolutions, that’s for sure!

Not that you’d catch me lining up more than ten or fifteen minutes for any movie tickets. I’m told that I don’t have the proper wardrobe for it, anyways…

Free shipping, my ass… <note the comma>

I just made yet another attempt to order a new entertainment center for myself online, yet once again I’ve been officially thwarted by the powers that be. Buy.com had a really nice set that I liked, but by the time I was able to scrape together the money, their free shipping offer had ended and they wanted something like double the cost of the furniture itself to get it to my house. I then substituted a similar piece from BestBuy.com and had the order nearly completed when I was informed that this item wasn’t available for special delivery in my area…I would’ve been happy to settle for regular, old UPS delivery as long as it eventually showed up, but no – apparently everyone’s caught onto just how heavy all of this crap is and opted to put clauses in their “free shipping” offers to omit themselves from actually having to live up to it.

My next option would be to drive a little over an hour to go pick it up in person, but if I had the time to do that, I probably wouldn’t be shopping online in the first place, now would I???

And now making a guest appearance…me!

I haven’t written here in nearly a week. Kind of a bummer, but I didn’t feel like writing here when I knew that I had other places that I was supposed to be writing…hell, that were willing to even give me money to do it, so rather than battle the guilt (ok, it wasn’t that bad…), I figured it’d just be easier to blow this one off for a while!

So this weekend’s been quite the eventful one so far…

The bulk of Friday afternoon was spent underneath my car in an attempt to save paying one of the local garages $60/hour to do fifteen minutes worth of work. Granted, it took me damn near three hours, and I do normally try to stay away from doing those types of repairs myself that can lead to the car actually catching on fire, but hey – sixty bucks is sixty bucks!

Saturday was spent sleeping, for the most part – partially from the sheer exhaustion of not getting enough sleep all week, and partially because certain events occurred (or didn’t occur, actually) which led me towards not wanting to ever get up again, and partially because I’m just plain lazy. Nonetheless, I did finally pry myself up out of bed and began playing catch-up again, which is something that I’ve been doing an awful lot of lately. I think I am getting much closer, however, to being nearly back to normal again, although I’m sure that just about the time that this happens, a whirl-wind will hit me and I’ll be lost once again, but what can you do? What can you do???

Even though technically it is Sunday now, I haven’t gone to bed from Saturday yet so as far as I’m concerned, it’s still Saturday night. I watched Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedian this evening, which turned out to be approximately one million times better than the “film” I watched last night! It’s basically a documentary about comedy and comedians and how to make it as a comedian, even though Jerry’s already pretty much made it. I did think it was interesting how he could go onstage and completely forget his bits, just standing there trying to think, and the crowd still roared with laughter, yet the lesser-known comedians would occasionally do the same thing and get boo-ed and jeered, yet Jerry still beat himself up about it backstage like he was getting jeered, too. Fame does funny things to people, I suppose, but it was still definitely worth 80 minutes of my time!

And now I shall return to slaving over a hot keyboard in search of the funny, but before I go…

I HATE cats, but somehow I still managed to find this quite amusing.

Tom Green is an idiot…

Freddy Got Fingered is on Cinemax right now and it’s quite possibly the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Tom Green just bit through the umbilical cord of a newborn baby.

…but I can’t turn it off. Why can’t I turn it off?!

Friendly Sell-Outs and Publicity Whores…

How are you today? I’m great – thanks for asking!

Now on to the real focus of our attention today – why does everybody purposely do things that piss me off??? It’s common knowledge that I don’t take kindly to anyone asking for handouts, at least not those who inquire with serious intent and actually think I might give in. I work hard for my money and feel that sure, if you’re really doing something beneficial to society and need some help, then I’d be more than glad to make a donation – the boy scouts and girl scouts and cancer research and so forth fall into this category. On the other hand, if you’re just too lazy to work and think that I’m going to help support your sorry ass, then you’ve got another thing coming…

Situation #1: Intersection Beggars

We’ve all seen them with their shiny orange vests and collection buckets, taking up valuable space during rush hour that could be much more appropriately used for cars and other motor vehicles! I almost hit one the other day because he wanted my money and I wanted that particular spot of highway where he had been standing. It’s bad enough that these people solicit us during the holidays at every department and grocery store in town, so could you maybe just lay off on the drive home? Your life can’t possibly be worth the risk to make $43 off of those stupid little flowers, can it?!

Situation #2: We Lost Jesus…Again!

You’d think that somebody would’ve learned to put a leash on him by now, or maybe even one of those cool radio beacons with all of this new technology! But no, apparently Jesus remains lost to this very day, but the good news is that thousands and thousands of people are currently out combing the streets in search of him. I really hope they find him soon because I hear that his parents are pretty shook up about the whole thing…

Of course, I have a lot of very vibrant opinions about religion and Christianity and such, which I’m not going to go into right now for a lack of time, but I do want to say this – if you’ve become enlightened and want to dedicate your life to serving the lord, then I say that’s great – more power to you…just don’t expect to do it on my dime! I recently had a friend who somehow stumbled into this lifestyle, which I thought was particularly odd, especially for him, but to each his own, I suppose, or at least that’s what I thought until the letter appeared in my mailbox. It was a nice, form-written letter (certainly of the quality that you’d expect after ten years of friendship) that clearly explained his mission and newfound desire to share his love with the world, and then he told me how I could help! It’s good to know that even though I can’t be by his side all the time in spirit, my financial contributions will help to keep his spirits strong even in the worst of times…

If I had to very quickly choose the two biggest beefs that I have with religion, they would easily be that a) they’re continuously trying to force their own views onto others, knowing perfectly well that these people already have beliefs of their own; and b) that they consider their actions to be a service to the world, which everyone else should be grateful for and fund entirely out of our pockets. When I was a little kid, I had to bust my ass mowing lawns and selling Christmas trees to make enough money to go to summer camp each year, so why shouldn’t these guys have to pay for their own playtime? Maybe I wouldn’t feel so strongly about it if they were using the money to help build houses for the homeless or educate kids about the arts or even just help keep our sidewalks clean – feel free to even put up a sign afterwards that says “These homes were constructed in part by the members of XYZ Church and the donations of local residents” or something – actually make an effort and you can have some money, but don’t set out to argue that your God is better than everyone else’s God and then expect me to pay for it.

Whew! Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, it’s time to hit the road! I’ll be using this extended weekend to find Jesus kick back, relax, and drink beer with my friends, which is scheduled to take place waaaay up there in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I’ve got a good six hour drive ahead of me, so if you see somebody pulled over alongside the road, beating the snot out of a tourist with his tire iron for driving half the speed limit, either get out and help or just keep driving! Oh yeah, and if anyone feels compelled to scribble down some funny in the form of a humor column and help Scott get caught up this weekend, then I’ll give you a donation!

Happy Memorial Day!!!