I thought I’d do something a little different this week and take a look back at how things have gone overall in the last three months. I’m kind of a numbers guy, so even though I’d obviously like the pounds lost number to be a bit higher, it still helps my ego to see some of the other stats as high as they are because some of them just seem unfathomable considering how much regularly consistent exercise I was doing this time a year ago… 😉
Total Weight Lost: 10.8 pounds (24% of total weight loss goal for 2012)
Total Days Exercised: 56 days (62% – 91 days total in January-March)
Average Days/Week Exercised: 4 days/week
Cardio (includes some elliptical, but mostly walking the dog at night)
- Total Days of Cardio: 48 days (86% of total exercise days included cardio)
- Total Cardio Time: 59 hours
- Total Cardio Distance: 193.9 miles
- Average Cardio Distance/Day: 4 miles/day
- Max. Cardio Distance/Day: 6.2 miles (2/26/2012)
Strength Training (exclusively push-ups via 100 Push-Up Challenge)
- Total Days of Strength Training: 17 days (30% of total exercise days included strength)
- Total Push-Ups Completed: 984 push-ups
- Average Push-Ups/Day: 58 push-ups/day
- Max. Push-Ups/Day: 80 push-ups (3/3/2012)
Pretty much all of my data comes from Fitocracy, though I had to do some crunching in Excel to get the totals that I wanted. Still, they’re doing some pretty cool things with graphing now and will even let you export a CSV of your daily exercise logs, so that’s neat!
Overall it’s been a big help in keeping me exercising because I look forward to logging points every day, so feel free to follow me and say hello if you’re using it as well!