another bulletted weekend…
Went furniture shopping yesterday in preparation for the big move and finally found some pieces that I like – all tropical and Floridian, but also bearing...
Went furniture shopping yesterday in preparation for the big move and finally found some pieces that I like – all tropical and Floridian, but also bearing...
New comic is finally up, only eighteen hours late… 😛
1000 pound butter sculpture of Vader and Yoda at the Tulsa State Fair
Albeit, I don’t really instant message all that much, but damn – I just cleaned out my contact list in Trillian and I have 3 names left… ̷...
The Adventures of Pete & Pete – Season 1 (1993)
So today was the big day … signed the paperwork and handed over a fat check this morning, and the condo is officially mine! Well, technically its mine on ...
Call me a geek, but it always puts a smile on my face when my bittorrent speeds break 500 KB/s for a single file… 😉
In balancing my checkbook this evening, I find that my checks are out of sequence because a check I wrote from a month and a half ago still hasn’t been ca...
Today was a great day! I don’t want to speak too much about it until the last of the paperwork has been signed and its a absolutely for-sure deal, but it ...
Today I had to take a day off of work because my car wouldn’t start this morning. A little irritating simply because it turned out to be just the battery ...