While walking by some taller grass and shrubs, I heard a rustling that I initially just assumed was an alligator about to pop out and eat me, but thankfully, it was not. Instead I see an armored, little tail poke out of the grass ever so slightly. I hung out there for a good ten minutes, watching him poke in and out of the grass, doing whatever it is that armadillos do, and I don’t think he even noticed me until I tried to crouch down to take a better picture. Of course, then I don’t even have to explain that he got scared, freaked out and ran back into the bushes, which nearly toppled me over because I’m a big wuss, and that was the end of our little adventure together.
Mind you, I don’t necessarily know if I’d want the things rummaging around in my garbage, but as long as they’re on somebody else’s lawn, they’re cool with me. 🙂
(Meg lufs teh armadillos) XD