LEGO NES games – these are sweet! Somebody’s got too much free time on their hands, and I’m jealous… 😛 Somebody’s got too much free time on their hands, and I’m jealous… 😛 Dude goes nuts at an office in Russia – the first clip is apparently from the securi...
It’s a Small World Photos from Hong Kong Disneyland Now I thought t...
Buzz Lightyear Takes a REAL Trip into Space! As part of...
I first thought that this headline was from The Onion, but apparently not so much… Pringles Can Designer Dies; Remains Buried in Pringles Can http://www.b... “I’m really angry right now. I want someone to apologize to those kids and lie to them, saying, “Oral sex and... An interesting article on other ways that we could’ve spent the money tha... Clearly the answer is to revert society to Amish-like standards immediately … but then what do we do when barn sensitiv...
Group Wants Wi-Fi Banned from Public Buildings This is “interesting,” and by that I mean ridicu...
The Good News: I think I might be just about over the horrendous cold that showed up last Wednesday morning. The Bad News: That’s pretty much all that I m...