I guess you could say that today was kind of a randomly productive day…
We couldn’t really go watch fireworks anywhere because puppy is absolutely terrified of them this year, so instead we just hung around the house for the most part.
A fair amount of overdue cleaning got done in preparation for my in-laws coming to visit next week. 😯
Between cleaning bouts, we squeezed in a good couple of hours revisiting Super Mario Bros. Wii, the game that’s been systematically designed to test the strength of your marriage by seeing how many times your spouse can accidentally toss you off the screen without invoking physical violence! 😯 😯
Near the end of the night, we even spent a little more time than intended putting together some of Sara’s old puzzles … more than intended mainly because while moving them around in preparation for gluing them permanently, yours truly on several occasions somehow managed to drop significant portions of each puzzle on the floor! 😯 😯 😯
So in short – I managed to make it through another 4th of July without getting divorced, and there was much rejoicing!!!