Scott’s Weird New Gardening Kick…

I don’t really understand it myself, but lately I’ve sort of had an interest in … of all things … gardening.


I think the idea came about as I’ve been reading that hobbit book that I mentioned the other week. It seems like a very hobbit thing to do – growing ones own food, and although it’s not like I have any intention to host the feast of a million feasts or even really save any money on vegetables or anything, but at the same time I guess I thought it might be fun to eat something that I actually grew myself.

Coincidentally, I happened to come across this neat, little gardening kit at Lowe’s over the weekend…


It came with both cucumber seeds…


…and tomato seeds…


…and I don’t know if anything will actually come of it – it’s not like I’ve exactly got the best track record with plants or anything, but we’ll give it 7-10 days and see if we don’t have some sprouts!

Mind you, I have no idea yet what I’m actually going to do if they do grow as suggested, but let’s just start with seeing if I actually remember to even water them regularly and we’ll go from there…

Hey – everybody needs a hobby! 😉

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