…and while we’re on the subject…
Why does the mood icon for “Dirty” have a sad face? Apparently these people have never see any of Christina Aguilera’s videos on MTV…
Why does the mood icon for “Dirty” have a sad face? Apparently these people have never see any of Christina Aguilera’s videos on MTV…
The cable got hooked up on Friday and contained all of the usual favorites, with the addition of a new feature referred to as HBO On Demand – easily the b...
And by the way, in researching auto insurance providers, what the hell is it with Florida drivers, anyways??? I knew that they were pretty crazy and all, but ap...
I’m still not totally there yet, but at least I’m getting closer to settling in down here…isn’t it sad that I haven’t even been to...
It’s extremely hard to believe, but I think there’s a good chance that I might be just as tired tonight as I was last night and last night was movin...
My first day at work downtown was quite interesting, to say the very least! It only took me about fifteen minutes to get there and figure out where the entrance...
Well, if you haven’t already heard the news, it looks like I’m gonna be staying around these here parts for a while! It turns out that lady luck tru...
I spent roughly six and a half hours of my Wednesday at the longest job interview in the world, but I think this one has some serious potential…finally! I...
Dear California, We really hoped that you’d have figured it out by now, but apparently you’re just arrogant enough to ride this thing out until the ...
Those Glade scented fans that you’ve seen on tv? Seriously, the best $7.99 I’ve ever spent – this entire wing of the hotel smells like a Hawai...