Author: Scott
Wow, it’s a good thing I don’t normally wear hats, eh?!
Really, who saw that coming??? Not only did Jenna beat out Matthew, but she whooped him royally – a mere one vote?! What did I miss here? After indulging ...
Only two minutes away…
Who will win??? If it ends up being Jenna, I’ll eat my hat. (translate: I really hope it isn’t Jenna!) If either Butch or Matthew walk away with it,...
The big night!!!
That’s right, tonight’s the big Survivor finale and guess what? I’m still up to my ass in writing assignments… Luckily (???), I’ll...
So here’s the deal – all of the projects and so forth that I’ve been putting off for a good couple of weeks now? Well, they’re getting d...
Yeah? Well, I’m gonna go build my own Internet, with blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the Internet…
That’s right – I’ve finally succumbed to the influence of the bandwagon. Now we’ll just see if this thing really lives up to everybody e...
Kids will be kids…
Boys Eat Cat That Stole Christmas Dinner (December 24, 2002 via Reuters / Yahoo! News) NAIROBI (Reuters) – Three Kenyan schoolboys were arrested for eatin...
The Tribe Has Spoken…
Well, the votes have been tallied, or that’s what I’m told, and I’m officially the 15th person to be voted out of the tribe in Humor Columnist...
Sleigh bells ring…hey, are you even listening?!
Well, well, well – you’re certainly in for a treat this time around! Not only do I have an update or two for your ogling pleasure, but you’re ...