Sell Me Something That Just Works…
Despite scoring a brand new TV and a Wii U, consumer electronics haven’t exactly been on my good side this week. The first came in the form of updates for...
Despite scoring a brand new TV and a Wii U, consumer electronics haven’t exactly been on my good side this week. The first came in the form of updates for...
(via Plum Deluxe) Love the sentiment – one that resonates quite true for me at this particular stage of my life. I’m always striving for something a...
Anyone who insists that racism no longer exists in America need only look out their window today, whether you see predominantly white people in your sheltered, ...
So Santa Claus decided to visit our house a little early this year! I had mentioned a while back that I was strongly leaning towards picking up a Wii U – ...
Home Entertainment Shopping Spree! Commencing in only a few hours, it looks like we’re actually going to do the bulk of our Black Friday shopping today be...
It’s kind of been a long time since I’ve played with computers like I used to back in the day. The other day between writing this post and thinking ...
The Cleanliness: Taken roughly six months after the last photo was taken, I think this is probably the cleanest that you would’ve ever seen my apartment. ...
The Feast!: So yeah, my Mom kind of went all out for my 21st birthday … I came home to find 21 pink plastic flamingos decorating the front lawn, and then ...
More Monkey!: Same poster as seen before moved with me into my new office, which essentially consisted of me crudely cutting a hole in the wall and knocking out...
Everywhere: I’d like to say that the reason the room is so messy was because I was getting ready to move to Florida in this picture, but its metadata mark...